A site operator will be with you momentarily. Please be reminded, in order to ensure your future deposits and withdrawals are processed efficiently, it is very important to verify that we have your current personal information updated in our system along with any documentation necessary for withdrawals. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for using our LiveChat Service. This is 'Brad'. How can I help you?
cmitchdin: Hi Brad I have a ten thousand amount on my balance earlier and you guys log me off what happen to my money now its showing 840.55
Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Mark T'.
Thank you for using our LiveChat Service. This is 'Mark T'. How can I help you?
Mark T: You are not allowed to redeem mult free chips
cmitchdin: Hi Brad I have a ten thousand amount on my balance earlier and you guys log me off what happen to my money now its showing 840.55
Mark T: The funds have been removed from your account
cmitchdin: why is that
Mark T: Because you are not allowed to redeem mult free chips
Mark T: Also your account will be closed unless you make a deposit
Mark T: Do you want to make a deposit now and keep your account open?
cmitchdin: i will report you on cnn
Mark T:

cmitchdin: its not fair
Mark T: good please report that you violated our free chip policy
cmitchdin: what are you talking about i have multiple account i only have once account
Mark T: Mult free chips
Mark T: not accounts
cmitchdin: i will make sure tomorrow you will be on cnn news watch it
Mark T: ok
Mark T: Please make sure you read the rules next time sir
Mark T: They are very apparent
Mark T: and easy to understand
cmitchdin: i will put you on youtube
Mark T: Great free advertising
Mark T: Thanks!
Mark T: Thank you for choosing the VIP Lounge Casino. If there is anything else that we can help you with, please let us know. Have a great day and good luck!
Chat session has ended. This may have been a technical error.
Date Transaction Amount
4/28/2008 11:05:08 PM Promo Credit Withdrawal Approved! ($7,940.00)
4/28/2008 11:05:08 PM Promo Credit Withdrawal Requested ($7,940.00)
4/28/2008 11:04:56 PM Overnight Express Withdrawal Declined $100.00
4/28/2008 11:03:48 PM Overnight Express Withdrawal Declined $2,000.00
4/28/2008 11:03:48 PM Overnight Express Withdrawal Declined $5,000.00
4/28/2008 10:57:10 PM Overnight Express Withdrawal Cancelled $1,000.00
4/28/2008 10:55:35 PM Promo Credit Withdrawal Approved! ($9,351.00)
4/28/2008 10:55:35 PM Promo Credit Withdrawal Requested ($9,351.00)
4/28/2008 10:23:53 PM Overnight Express Withdrawal Requested ($2,000.00)
4/28/2008 10:14:16 PM Overnight Express Withdrawal Requested ($1,000.00)
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