Concours 21 jours de Noël au LCB de décembre - FERMÉ

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  • Best Christmas gift i received was a book of poems from my teacher who pushed me to excel beyond what i thought i was capable of being dyslexic. I had given up on ever being able to succeed at anything because back then , dyslexia was not widely known of or accepted as something that the school district helped with .

    I went on to write many poems {unpublished }. My most remembered one was when my son was in intensive care and next to his tiny crib was another tiny crib with a note on the side. It read, mommie and daddy please love me. I asked the nurse about it and she said , the note was wrote by the grandparents . The parents loved perfection and since the baby was born early , he had a lot of problems . I cried . When i visited my son, i always prayed over the other baby. I wrote a poem and asked the grandmother could the nurse put it on the bed. She said yes. I can't remember the words but the title was Precious Child. The nurses made copies and put one on every bed (with permission ). I was 21 then. I don't know if the parents ever accepted the baby, but for the two months my son was there i only saw the grandparents . At least the baby had love because they seemed to be very loving.

  • Day 18- Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

    Yes you are the winner! Sorry i stand corrected.

    Thanks Lips, I appreciate all your hard work
  • day 18

    When I was just 7 years old, Martial Law was in its third year here. The country was very chaotic.  Many innocent civilians caught in the cross fire between the regime and the rebels.  My father was forced to quit his job because of the danger traveling to/from our house to the sugar mill he worked at (this happened 4 months before Christmas.  So we expected that we will have a bleak Christmas.  Come Christmas eve, the usual "Noche Buena" feast will not be done this year so me and my siblings prepared to go to bed early.  As we were about to sleep, my mother told us to hang socks/stockings by the window, telling us that Santa might come visit us. I already now that my parents were the one putting gifts/something in the socks we hung the previous years but for my younger siblings sake, we did hang socks that night.
    The following day, Christmas day, I was awaken by the laughter of my siblings, for in the stockings/socks we hung that night, there is an apple a a chocolate bar in it.  Even in the circumstance that where in, my parents still like to have the spirit of Christmas alive.  That apple was the most delicious I have eaten, for I know it was given with love.  //I\\ >I+I

  • The best presents we could receive in a comunist period was oranges , bananas and sweets smileyalways same gifts my parents receive from work to give for me and my brothers/3girls and 1 boy
    they worked at cinema,i didnt ask other kids what they receive,i suppose same gifts

    But  had much fun playing out with kids because no internet,only 2h TV smiley <oO

  • I actually received my best Xmas gift yesterday, a little early.  Had been waiting all week to find out if my fiancé had cancer. Lab results showed cells were benign. There is nothing more I could ask for.

  • day 18

    When I was just 7 years old, Martial Law was in its third year here. The country was very chaotic.  Many innocent civilians caught in the cross fire between the regime and the rebels.  My father was forced to quit his job because of the danger traveling to/from our house to the sugar mill he worked at (this happened 4 months before Christmas.  So we expected that we will have a bleak Christmas.  Come Christmas eve, the usual "Noche Buena" feast will not be done this year so me and my siblings prepared to go to bed early.  As we were about to sleep, my mother told us to hang socks/stockings by the window, telling us that Santa might come visit us. I already now that my parents were the one putting gifts/something in the socks we hung the previous years but for my younger siblings sake, we did hang socks that night.
    The following day, Christmas day, I was awaken by the laughter of my siblings, for in the stockings/socks we hung that night, there is an apple a a chocolate bar in it.  Even in the circumstance that where in, my parents still like to have the spirit of Christmas alive.  That apple was the most delicious I have eaten, for I know it was given with love.  //I\\ >I+I

    my bad, this is for day 19, not day 18 . sorry  *<$-) *<$-)

  • day 18

    When I was just 7 years old, Martial Law was in its third year here. The country was very chaotic.  Many innocent civilians caught in the cross fire between the regime and the rebels.  My father was forced to quit his job because of the danger traveling to/from our house to the sugar mill he worked at (this happened 4 months before Christmas.  So we expected that we will have a bleak Christmas.  Come Christmas eve, the usual "Noche Buena" feast will not be done this year so me and my siblings prepared to go to bed early.  As we were about to sleep, my mother told us to hang socks/stockings by the window, telling us that Santa might come visit us. I already now that my parents were the one putting gifts/something in the socks we hung the previous years but for my younger siblings sake, we did hang socks that night.
    The following day, Christmas day, I was awaken by the laughter of my siblings, for in the stockings/socks we hung that night, there is an apple a a chocolate bar in it.  Even in the circumstance that where in, my parents still like to have the spirit of Christmas alive.  That apple was the most delicious I have eaten, for I know it was given with love.  //I\\ >I+I

    A touching story there buddy! Makes me feel really lucky having consoles as a child. You know the true value of money and the spirit of Xmas!!

    Nothing beats spending time with family (especially family you don't see much) not even the latest toy or gift. wink

    Have a great Xmas when it comes!
  • day 19: Just wanted to answer one question since I am late finding this wonderful bonus that I missed out on.

    The most wonderful gift I ever received was when Santa left me my first Red Flyer Wagon and sitting in the wagon was my very first brand new red tricycle a horn and streamers in the handle bar grips, I was so special that year.

  • I'll never forget when I was six years old all I had asked for repeatedly and I finally got was one of the cabbage patch dolls that you didn't know if it was a boy or a girl until you opened it and then there was a package you had to basically disintegrate with water and there was a certificate inside with it's name in it. Mine was a little boy. I treasured it so so much. I carried him with me every where I went and hardly ever sat him down. Would be such a touching story except for what happened..
    A couple weeks later we went to pick up my brother from the airport, as he had just flown back from the military. I wish my  parents would have told me to leave my baby in the car because I ended up having to put him on the conveyor belt when we went through security, which I remember being so worried about letting him go. Once  I picked him up my sister then told me he had some kind of electrical disease (of course now I know it's not true), but at that age I was heartbroken and when we got home I put him down and never touched him again. She completely ruined my favorite toy in the whole world. sad

  • Some years ago I was very sad at the Christmas Eve, in the daytime. Because I was alone and my ex-boyfriend was at work in France. And it was not fun at all to think about sitting alone that evening.
    But just some minutes before the church-bells was ringing, somebody knock on my door: It was my boyfriend! That is the best gift I ever had got smiley

    *<:-)+>;o) Happy Holidays!

  • First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone for sharing your personal stories. They are touching and inspirational.

    I have been thinking about past Christmas experiences and it causes me to feel sad; which is how I feel during the holidays most years. I tried searching my brain for a special Christmas when I was a child. All together, there were 14 people in my family, so we didn't get very much for Christmas. However, it was one of the few "family" days that we had, so it was always a very special day.

    There is one year that I remember, that was very special to me. I lived in St. Paul, Minnesota; the capital of the state. We were Catholic. As the capital city, the Cathedral is in St. Paul. One year, we all got as dressed up as possible and went to the midnight Mass. I was quite young, 4 or 5 years old. I remember that it was so beautiful there; I was awestruck. The acoustics there are really good, so the music they played was so wonderful, so much better than our usual church. What I remember the most is that I looked up at all of the stained glass windows that were glowing and all of the elaborate decor; I was absolutely certain that God was there with us. I don't know how to explain how I felt; I do know that I felt blessed and truly loved. It was so different than how I felt on ordinary days.

    I have no idea what gift was under the tree that year because it didn't really matter. I had spent Christmas with God and Jesus and that was the best gift that I could have ever imagined.
  • I want to congratulate silverpeach for winning Day 18!  *<:-)>

    I was so excited that I knew the answer, that I didn't see her post when I first scrolled back....sorry for the confusion.
  • gjr1961 - I have been admiring your profile pic, I am actually watching the Vikes game now. I have lived in St. Paul all my life, grew up Catholic, and have been to the Cathedral many times. It is truly a beautiful place.

  • 11 years ago, I had a beautiful baby girl. She was the most precious gift I could have ever had. However, we wanted to have a big family, and we tried to get pregnant for years. When my daughter was around 8, we pretty much came to the conclusion that it wasn't going to happen, and I was ok with that, because I love my daughter more than anything in the world. But secretly, I was sad because I always dreamed of having a big family, and I didn't want her to grow up being an only child. In November 2012, I came down with a vicious flu, and was in bed for 4 weeks. I couldn't hold anything down, I lost about 20 pounds from not eating, and just couldn't function. I knew I wasnt pregnant, because I took 4 tests, and was still getting my monthly visitor. (TMI I know...LOL) So on Dec 23 I had a doctor appointment, and guess what???
    Im sure you figured it out! I was pregnant! The tests that I took were all wrong, and I was 4 months pregnant!!!! Best Christmas present that I could have ever asked for. We had Khloe Maddox, my baby girl on May 18th, 2013. But I will never forget what a blessing it was that Christmas, that I could give my daughter a sister, a best friend for life. She made our family complete.

  • I just saw today's question & I want to submit my answer because it means a lot to me.

    My Mom had my sister at 17 years old & I was born shortly after. My Mom was a runaway & addict so the odds were stacked against us. When she couldn't take care of us anymore, social services found my Father in California, and we boarded a plane to start a new life.

    My Father provided us with a stable environment, school clothes, vacations, discipline, doctor visits... all of the things that most children take for granted. My Mother was everything to me & I had a hard time living without her. My sister, on the other hand, didn't miss the wild woman we called Mom, and was happy to have found this new structure with Dad.

    Here is where Christmas comes in, fast forward 15 years. My Sister, Vanessa, has a baby girl October 26th, 1999. Mina Lorrain is the first baby born in my family since 1976 (when I was born). December 5th 1999, I flew my Mom to California to see her 1st born, as a new Mother. She had not seen either of us in over 10 years and she had not even spoken to Vanessa in 13 years. My sister was able to forgive my Mom for some of the difficult things we experienced as small children & allowed the new Grandma to bond with Mina for the next three weeks.

    For me, there is nothing that could compare to the time I had my Mom here with us. It was the first time I saw my Mom & Dad in the same room. It was hard for me to even imagine that they knew each other before. My Mother died a few years later from Cirrhosis & complications after a stroke.

    Losing her has had a big impact on my life, when I get sad, I reflect on that time she was here and how much good came from that visit. Bringing my Mom & my Sister together after more then a decade of not speaking, providing the opportunity for Grandma to meet/bond with baby and witnessing my family together for the first time in my entire life was not only the greatest gift I ever received but also the greatest gift I have ever given, which to me means more then anything else.

    I am in Vegas still & going to a show in two hours - NOW I HAVE PUFFY EYES & A RUNNY NOSE! Thanks for letting me share & I think everyone is a winner because sharing has been sentimental to all who participate & therapeutic for me as well.


  • Wow was this tough..........i mean really tough to pick just one winner. There were so many that were touching........

    The winner is lakandan.Congrats and ty for sharing such a heartfelt story.

  • At Chirstmas time who is the very popular Jessica?

    The character Jessica in the movie Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town *<B-)

    Jessica later became Mrs Claus

  • day 20:Jessica Simpson-The Christmas Song

  • song:here comes santa claus/santa claus is comin to town
    singer:jessica simpson

  • Day 20: My guess it's Jessica Simpson with her Happy Christmas album! smiley

  • Day 20 -  At Chirstmas time who is the very popular Jessica? First one that guesses and matches my answer wins!

    Jessica Simpson - Let it snow

    thank you and good luck everyone  smiley

  • Congratulations lakandan!

    I have no about Jessica laugh_out_loud
  • Jessica Fox                       

  • The Jesse Tree

    Jesse Trees are used as a kind of Advent Calendar. You can use a normal Christmas tree or a banner in the shape of a tree. Each day through advent (or sometimes just on the four Sundays of advent) a special decoration or ornament (similar to a Chrismon), that tells a story from the Bible, is hung on the tree.

    Long shot I know,
    *Jessica Claus is the answer most likely to be right!.


  • Day 20

    Jessica Christmas

  • Jessica jones

  •   >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~*

    Congratulations to my friend Lakandan for Day 19 & I believe Day 20 as well! WTG!

    >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~* >I+I ~~~~*

  • DAY #20

    Rejoyce: The Christmas Album by Jessica Simpson

  • Day 20

    Jessica Alba

  • Jessica Simpson My only wish!

  • Day 20 -  At Chirstmas time who is the very popular Jessica? First one that guesses and matches my answer wins!

    Jessica Sanchez (American Idol)

  • final guess:

    Jessica Mary Claus


    my train of thought:

    Jessica Christmas...

    and thanks for the really challenging contest this month. Congrats to all.

  • At Chirstmas time who is the very popular Jessica?

    The character Jessica in the movie Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town *<B-)

    Jessica later became Mrs Claus

    Congrats again! Mrs. Claus first name is Jessica!
  • Congrats, lakadan!

    You beat us all smiley

    *<:-)+>;o) Happy Holidays!

  • -<I* Once again....
    Congratulations lakandan!!  *<8-)  *<:-)>  <oO
  • Day 21 - Santa is arranging the Reindeer order 1- 9 for the European leg of his journey. Here is the list of reindeer names:


    Number 1 - 9 the order you think Santa will choose. Mind you this is NOT the typical standard order! If your order matches the list i have sent to elf Feelin Froggy you win!

    my guess is ..................

    thank you .. good luck everyone.

  • Rudolph , Comet,Cupid,Blitzen,Dasher,Vixen,Prancer,Dancer,Donner.

  • *<:-)+>;o)
    DAY# 21


  • Day21-Rudolph,Dancer,Prancer,Dasher,Donner,Blitzen,Vixen,Cupid,Comet

  • Blitzen

  • Day 21 - Santa is arranging the Reindeer order 1- 9 for the European leg of his journey. Here is the list of reindeer names:


    Number 1 - 9 the order you think Santa will choose. Mind you this is NOT the typical standard order! If your order matches the list i have sent to elf Feelin Froggy you win!


  • Day 21 - Santa is arranging the Reindeer order 1- 9 for the European leg of his journey.


  • *<:-)+>;o)  Congratulations to all the winners .. Hope you all have a very Happy Holiday

  • Day 21 -


  • Blitzen

  • Day 21


  • Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid,  Rudolph Donner and Blitzen

  • Day 21 - Santa is arranging the Reindeer order 1- 9 for the European leg of his journey. Here is the list of reindeer names:


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