Here's my story...
Pregnant...I woke up about 2 am with a slight backache, just thinking i slept wrong, went to the fridge got a glass of orange juice, drank it, went back to sleep. About 3:30 am i woke again, still had the backache, got up and headed towards the restroom as i was headed there.. my water broke, just as suddenly as this happened i was having my girl.. i crawled to the bed, woke her father up, told him i needed to get to the hospital, TOO LATE.. she was coming and coming QUICK.. he called paramedics as he was doing this he went next door and got my neighbor, she came over now i have 2 crazys there.. My neighbor is screaming "boil water" (lol) and her father is kneeling on the bed down that way in front of me like he's ready to catch something (lol) while the paramedics on the phone getting a description of what's going on.. "Yeah i see the head". First one on the scene was a police officer, he walked in and immediately stood back against the wall (i know that wall was the only thing holding him up his eyes were as wide as they can go, he was froze in that position and he looked like he was about to pass out). With paramedics on phone and as far as this birth has advanced they told her father to tell me to go ahead and just push and let her come.. i did that and she did enter this world right into her fathers hands.. now the funny part....she was very tiny, my neighbor and him conversating between each other i could hear.. "is she breathing?".."uhh i think you gotta spank her".. i hear her father say.. "what..spank her?" ... with her still connected to me he cradles her and begins to walk away.. I say "waait a minute"... (lol) he's like "ooh ooops".. The paramedics get there right after this, they cut the cord and do what they have to do.. everything went fine.. they wrap my baby and get me and her on the gurny. As we were leaving out of the bedroom.. both the frozen police officer and her father fainted looooooool
They made it through the whole thing, being there through what doctors have years of training to do.. as soon as they realized what they just saw.. they passed out...
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