Hi LCBers! I stumbled across this bitcoin mining website getbitcoin.to which appears to be located in London UK. To my knowledge I input my bitcoin wallet which then puts me into the dashboard. The mining of bitcoin is on autopilot without the need to have your browser open or your computer on. A bar can be seen filling up automatically so even if your asleep or your computer is off it continues to work!
Currently I started off on the free Bronze plan which mines bitcoin at a slow pace but there are these upgrade plans that'll speed up the mining process significantly however the silver plan costs about $355 in BTC which mines at around $25 daily.
I now wonder if any of you had any experiences with this website? I tested out 0.00020000 BTC which was earned yesterday and is pending at the moment. Please let me know if this is a BTC breakthrough or just smoke and mirrors followed by lasers. Below is a screen of the progress bar that repeatly fills up to give BTC. Thanks guys!