Okay, so my cat is almost 6 yrs old, and just within the last few weeks has discovered drinking out of the toilet is the best way to get a drink. :-\
My other cat Rebel will scratch at the water first, before he is able to get a drink. (at least he drinks out of the bowl...)
My dog Roxie is a little spoiled. She will not get in bed and go to sleep unless a portable heater is turned on and blowing on her. If it is not on, she looks at it, then me, then it, and whines. . (Yes, it was I who started that habit when she was a baby and cold all the time. Now however she is a 60 lbs lab, and is NOT cold. )
I had a Guinea Pig once that everytime you opened the fridge she went crazy and squeaked her head off, waiting for veggies.
Anyone else live with some of these crazy animals like I do?
Comportement animal drôle....
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