FERMÉ - Concours LCB Bonne Année 2015 !

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  • LCB 2015 Happy New Year Contest

    Happy New Year to our LCB community! The LCB team wishes you a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.

    To kick off the 2015 we want to know what members’ aspirations, hopes, dreams or changes they would like to see in the upcoming year. This can be about anything related to your personal life, gambling or even LCB.

    The $500 LCB Shop Cash Prize Pool:

    1 - $75
    1 - $50
    1 - $40
    1 - $35
    1 - $30
    1 - $25
    1 - $20
    1 - $15
    1 - $10
    40 - $5

    To access your LCB Shop Cash find the drop down menu under your name in the top left corner above the header and click “Redeem Credits”. Purchase gifts in our shop with your LCB Shop Cash. It’s as easy as that!


    1. Only ONE entry is allowed per member with a minimum post of 50 words or more related to contest.

    2. To qualify for this contest you must be a member for at least one month. In this case only members that have joined on or before December 8th, 2014 are eligible.

    3. Any member having more than one account to enter contest will be disqualified.

    4. Contest period ends on Saturday January 31st, 2015 at 11:59 EST.

    5. LCB has the right to end this contest at any time and void all wins should any unforeseen issues arise or abuse is indicated.

    6. LCB Cash can ONLY be redeemed in the LCB Shop.

    7. Prize money can be redeemed immediately or can be accumulated to save for bigger prizes.

    Winners will be announced shortly after end of the contest.

    Good luck!
  • My purpose for this new year is to be a player more controlled in the poker and i want to learn to better manage the English language, in order to be able to provide good forums and good reviews on LCB without resorting to translators in advance I thank them because LCB is my motivation.
    thumbs_up cheesy party Happy New Year.

  • For 2015 my personal hopes are to continue to pursue better health, to try my best to do what is best for myself and not what is easiest or the most fun, to be even more patient with my husband even when it seems the most impossible task in the world, to have more quality fun, to not waste my time so much, and to have a more positive attitude. I have hopes all to pay my taxes, get internet at home, visit my grandkids more, have and make it through my disability hearing, get my pacemaker battery replaced, no longer need insulin, get new glasses and a real haircut, win some money without spending too much doing it, be less afraid of stuff and get a new bed-hopefully a king size one with sheets and a great comforter.

    I'd also like to participate more here and play a lot more bingo!

  • in this year i want to found cashout button more frequently unlike in 2014 when i played mechanically starting to realize only after reaching 0 that i lost what could have been a long shopping session.
    to finish learning swedish language with rosetta stone and hopefully find a job there.
    dreaming at a jackpot of 50K+ to build an wide and equipped cat shelter and to collect as many of them off the streets and feed em for the rest of their lives, to buy myself a nice exotic trip and cure myself from the ranidaphobia(fear of frogs) with the best treatment.
    but at the very moment all i want is to stop changing expensive parts on my bloody car and to stay 'healthy' at least 3 months.. frown

  • I made a promise on New Years Eve that i stop smoking and been smokeless since that smiley ( not sure how long i can keep that promise )
    Hope's for the 2015 would be that my youngest son starts school this year and i hope everything will go well and that there's no bullying etc. It actually scares the heck out of me cheesy But maybe i get use to it that he goes to school everyday.
    Well ofc i dream that i win jackpot this year on casinos, so our family could move to bigger apartment since the house we live atm is a bit too small for us all..
    I also hope that the Russia Ukraine conflict would end soon and with the result of world peace and not war! It has been very sad to read all the stories what happen there, and also it has affected rest of the world (or Europe) too. and yes it has been scary with all those airspace insults.  frown

    Ty LCB for another great contest exclamation
    Happy 2015 everyone thumbs_up smiley

  • Again, Thank you LCB for yet another contest! ! ! 

    At least 10 years ago, I lived in a blissful city with my family.  Weekends are normally spent bonding with the family.  Then one afternoon, some of my co workers ask me to come with them to visit “the casino”.    I was curious so after work, went with them.  And, lo and behold, a casino, less than 3 miles from where I lived, stood in all its glory.    I have been to other casinos but have to travel at least 70 miles, now a casino is operating right in my city.      I always hear that one must always set a limit to what must be “spent” for gambling.      For the first two years of the casino’s operation, I only go there for some “entertainment”.  They do have bands performing nightly and foods and drinks are on the house.
    But soon after, my lifestyle changed.  I usually go to the casino at least three times a month but it quickly changed to three times a week and the worst, went there everyday.    My life will never be the same again.    Quarrels with my wife became regular.    When I came home late, I always tell that I have some overtime work at the office when In fact I’m at the casino.  There are times that after I received my salary, went there instead of going home.      Lost some money, but as all gamblers think,  I can win that back and before I knew “it”, all my salary is gone.  I have to withdraw from my savings so as not to have wifey fuming mad.  I need to make a “little” lie to compensate for the lost salary.  The casino also let you do a cash advance using one’s credit card, and this also made a big mess on my finances.  I did have some big wins from that casino but as always, big loses far outweighs the big wins.
    The moment of truth came when one day my wife as for my bank passbook.  Again, need to tell a little lie, but before I could speak, she showed me my bank passbook and started crying.  That was December 29, 2010.  already caught, with my wife and children crying in front of me, I told them the truth.  The bank passbook will show that I withdrew a very big amount  of its content and that lost it all gambling.  Crying, I ask for their forgiveness.    My wife and children, wanting our family to be whole, forgave me but made me promise never to gamble again.  After some “bargaining”. I promised them and myself that I will never ever gamble again with my/our money.    My children also said that they will let me “gamble moderately” when they finished their studies.     
    January 1, 2011 (01/01/11),  I promised my children that I will keep  my promise to them and that every year, that will always be my New Year’s resolution.    Then I started to discover that there are many online casinos out there.  Casinos in the comfort of my home.  Well, I did start to play online, that is, for entertainment purposes only, a sort of therapy for my addiction.  I always plays tournaments to while my time.    But I did manage to have a $500 withdrawal from a casino with their no deposit sign up bonus and that is the time when you can withdraw without even depositing.  Most of the time, I play online tournaments to while away time.  But there is one instance that I won $10 from a tournament (no withdrawal limit)  and able to break playthrough and reach the $1000 level.  I could withdraw that amount but have to deposit first.  If I deposit, then I have to break my promised to my family,  ah, a thousand dollar, the temptation was too great.  Got my wallet, pick up my visa and the other,  Mastercard,  and cut them to pieces with a scissor.  No more temptation of ever depositing in a casino.    After that, lost $1000 in a few hours time.  I still go, together with wifey to the casino not to play or gamble but to watch live bands/ singers perform there.  Occasionally, well known singers/bands do perform there.
    December 23, 2014.  Did my first ever deposit to an online casino using my Netteller account.  Ops. did I broke my promise to my family?    Technically, in my own opinion, no.    Money from Netteller came from my LCB rewards. (Thank you LCB).  So if ever I again win from a tournament and win big, now I can withdraw from that casino having already deposited.
    January 1, 2015,  I have again renewed my New Year’s resolution/promise to my family.  I have to keep this promise to have my children finished their studies.    My son now is in his first year proper of Veterinary Medicine and daughter is in her first year pre- Veterinary Medicine.  At least six more years of keeping that “promise”!!!  For the sake of my children and family, I can live with that!

  • Changes... to stop wasting my cash on online gambling as I said before laugh_out_loud most of us probably should do that tongue
    and more serious things: I'd like to start finally to live. You know, not like most of us currently do, going to work, meeting friends and watching movies to kill some time. To have a real life, everytime I watch a movie and read a book I'm so jealous about all of those adventures. People travel around the world, have interesting jobs and so on and I'm just wasting time  >:( Anyway, I doubt I change anything this year. I'm just thinking about it all the time and don't have balls to actually do something finally  laugh_out_loud well, I hope to get motivated someday finally  tongue
    and realistic plans for 2015 are just to follow the path I've chosen, don't give up of helping at shelter and so on. I hope I can do at least that  laugh_out_loud
    Well, writing 10000 words to win a prize in contest is boring, I don't like them anyway (the ones with best casinos and world cup were pretty good (WC was the best one as it was rated by points and impartial), nobody discuss other people's posts so I'll just go back to general discussions topics).

    Good luck anyway.

  • Just to let stuff go.  I am an Aquarius and I am constantly rehashing past events.  I want peace of mind.  I am also going to work on my marriage.  Honestly, I have been somewhat distant from my husband.  He is a good man and loves me very much.  I am going to work on elevating him to his proper place in my heart.

  • For the new year of 2015, I am making these resolutions. First, to smoke more cigarettes. This includes
    regular tobacco and wacky tobaccy. Second, to drink more alcoholic beverages. Third, to gamble online
    even more than I already do. I would like to point out, that for many years I have made New Years resolutions, and not once do I remember ever keeping them. So, this year I am trying reverse psychology.
    lol... I'll keep you posted.

  • Well, for 2015 I wish that we can overcome all the violence in this word. It's getting very sic, All these act of terrorist. Oh I do wish for word economy to get better but I'm dreaming lol
    Went we see USA with debt of 18,000,000,000,000 Global with 055,000,000,000,000
    It's astronomical number smiley
    I wish to release the pressure we would win some good jackpot, That went we play slots we could see full line and be able to withdraw more often, I wish I was able to increase my bet and at that moment the slot gently show me Mega win, not wait until I bet low only.

    But over all I wish everyone Good spin, load of fun and to be able to play wisely so went we win, backup some and don't dream too much of those big big win, Better win small aften then to wait for a Mega Win smiley
    I really love LCB it's as big as Google but for Casino and Gambling, many try to complete them but went you're #1, You're no1 no matter what you try eh !


  • Being the ripe old age of 50+ I finally have realized you cant control or fix all the stupid in the world(lol)
    So my new years resolutions are to:
    1.Forgive the people who are driving slower than I am.
    2.Cheer on the people that are driving faster.
    3.Try to be patient when then person in front of me at the store searches for 3 more cents in the pockets.
    4.Try not to past judgement on someone who gets in the express lane 10 items or less, with 30 items and has the nerve to look innocent.
    5.Try to place my orders at drive thru windows slower,I always have to repeat it 3 times because they cant understand me.
    6.Try to be understanding to the salespeople that come to my door at 9 sat. morning, despite the no soliciting sign. Maybe they are trying to pay for reading classes.
    7. Try to not throw my TV/Cable controller thru the TV when I have a problem  and customer service and 3 other reps tell me to unplug and plug back in the cord. Or better yet, Is the TV plugged in?
    8.Try to be cordial to clerks who insist on getting my ph. no. before I purchase a pack of gum .I know that their job, but. no means no.
    9.And last but not least, this year if I am waiting for a parking space with my blinker on and a driver cuts in front of me from the opposite lane of traffic and has to backup and fourth 3 times to get in the spot. I promise I will get out of my car, point my finger and give them a death stare. That should teach them.

    Wow I feel so much better since I got that off my chest, maybe I will state my drive thru orders slower.
    Gosh I love this site.
    gl all and have a great year.

  • For the new year of 2015, I am making these resolutions. First, to smoke more cigarettes. This includes
    regular tobacco and wacky tobaccy. Second, to drink more alcoholic beverages. Third, to gamble online
    even more than I already do. I would like to point out, that for many years I have made New Years resolutions, and not once do I remember ever keeping them. So, this year I am trying reverse psychology.
    lol... I'll keep you posted.

    He wins.
  • I have many many aspirations for this New Year but the biggest and most important in my heart are the aspirations for my oldest son who is leaving for the US Navy on March 18, 2015.  Although I am excited that he is starting his new future as an American Sailor serving his country, I am also afraid at the same time.  The world has become a very scary place and the thought of my son delving into the unknown is a little bit scary for me, as his Mom!  This is my baby!  My first born.  I have been going back over his baby pictures and remembering everything from when he was just a tiny boy exploring his world for the first time to his first balloon (balla as he called it), getting stuck in the ceiling fan and him screaming and pointing uttering over and over again "balla, balla, balla" and then him sitting on the floor beneath it just sobbing because he thought his balla was gone forever ... or listening to audio of his tiny little man voice at 3 years old singing the old tune "Red Rubber Ball".  His first birthday party in his swanky birthday hat with no shirt on with cake and icing all over his tiny little face and hands and alas pictures of his first day of kindergarten with his big smile, holding his spongebob lunchbox standing by his new desk dressed in his navy blue shorts and matching tshirt. As the years went on I watched him grow from this tiny little happy creature to a 6 foot 4 inch man who is now 19 and getting ready to leave home for an adventure of a lifetime!  I will miss him so much but know that he will make his Mom, Dad and family proud as a US Sailor defending the honor and people of his country and the rest of the world.  I couldnt ask for a better son and I am proud to have him representing our nation as they fight for freedom and protect those in this world who cannot protect themselves.  Although I could wish for something for myself, I wish him all the happiness and luck in his new endeavors and know that he will make me proud wherever he goes.  This is my son Christopher, a person who has gone from a tiny, curious little boy to the wonderful person he has become! 

  • Awesome resolutions so far! I made one for this year that for me will probably be a tough one to keep! I am going to make an honest effort to be more patient when dealing with poor customer service at the stores, restaurants and drive-thru.

    I had my biggest test last night when i stopped at Dunkin Donuts around 10pm to get a hot chocolate. It was bitter cold and he opened the window and quickly shut it a couple times as i was digging in my wallet for the change which was all of 15-20 seconds. When i rolled my window down to hand him the money he yelled "NEXT TIME HAVE YOUR MONEY READY OR YOU COME INSIDE BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR YOU IN THIS COLD!

    Well i kinda blew my resolution already cuz i said to him "oh shut up and just hand me my drink"! Ahhhh i will stand up and dust myself off and try again..........but geez it is hard to ignore that kind of service!

  • Lipstick you should have driven thru again and when he open the window thrown the order amount to him in pennies.
    gl all

  • I am sure alot of people want to lose weight as a resolution , in the last 8 monthes I have lost 80 lbs and stiil have another 30 to go. I have been overweight for years and at 62 it is finally time to get it off. I want to continue to be able to enjoy a active life with my kids and  11 grandchildren. I quit smoking 6 years ago and it made such a difference in my health. I want to live to see great grandkids some day. It was hard this holiday season but the first of the year came and brought a even stronger resolve! I also want to get out more often and have adventures in my life. I am going to go to our local hospital and work in the nursery as a voluteer granny. Basically feeding babies and rocking them. Nurses simply don't always have time to rock fussy babies so I LOVE babies and am thrilled to do it!
    I m going to do more voluteer work as a Spanish interperter as well. So many patients in the hospital need help to understand English and the nurses need help understanding Spanish . Will be filling up my year . Lets go 2015!

  • My new years resolutions are to get fit again,see my sons much more often,get up north(highlands) to see my mother/gran and granda,Use my winnings more generously and not waste them even a small profit better than nothing at all,get a new job(job ended on 31st dec) Get out more and see more people and perhaps meet new people too! I also want to do more for my community and possibly donate to charities close to my heart when I win into the thousands again because I will. Another thing believe it or not that I will do is if I win anything massive like a major or mega jackpot I'll donate a prizepool to lcb and some other forums I love for them to either donate to charity or let other LCB members win big too a slightly easier way than spinning! Don't say I'm not thoughtful LCB or you guys could go half and half half to charity and half to some lucky members! smiley

  • for 2015 i wish, everyone the best ofcourse! i hope people that had a very bad year will come up this year better, and that a lot of home-less people could get maybe a job or some more food and a nice warm place to stay! that people deserve it the most! and that people are going to respect each other more than last year also with the terrorist attack in Paris (france) i hope that won't happen anymore! that kind of people need to be stopped, and give more respect! because we all deserve the best in our life! and i hope everyone will be more happy in 2015 every new year there are lots of new changes and things to grab, what will make your life more beautiful ! thats my wish for 2015! too see more happy people and that a lot of wars are going to stop! since everyone gets sad about it! i really wish that! and hope also that lcb will stay for ever what a nice people and a great bunch of people around here! who care about each other and as a newbie i directly felt home here! nice people! thanks lcb for another awesome contest! i go celebrate my birthday further now hehe!:)

  • Yikes. A few years ago, I won around $1000 playing Immortal Romance on a Fortune Lounge casino. Woohoo, nice win...on around 60 cent bets. One of the customer service guys working remarked casually...'You should play on that all the time, it might be your lucky game." wink  Well, I ignored him. I refused to raise my bets, I refused to play on the games that worked for me - it had to be the win I WANTED, not the one that was "there". Then the other day, just a week ago, I walked by a neighbour's place, on a delivery route I have. He was in his garage puttering. I asked him how he was doing...he said "Great!  I just won $20,000 on an online casino. PLUS...I won $19,000 about a month ago!"  I said (choking ever so quietly, to myself)..."Which game...?"  worn_out  He said..."Immortal Romance!  I win on that game all the time!"...He even showed me his computer - yeah, he had really won. A LOT.  So THIS year...if I get some well-meaning advice...I WILL TAKE IT!  Happy New Year!    grin

  • I hope got new home and i like a find new job too..Last year i have bad luck the gamming...I wish a have better luck this year...And all so i hope my family be healthy..My dad is very sick he have a cancer..And i wish he end is peaceful... And my brother wife is pregnant so i wish that go well..

    Good Year 2015 everybody smiley

  • Congrats Missymoo on the weight loss. I know its hard keep it up it will be worth it.
    gl all

  • I love your contest every month guys and you are the best... I didn't won a lot of money, best award was 5 dollars but I love to participate... soon I will be back with my story smiley

  • For 2015, I plan to exercise more and eat more healthy.  Last year I was successful in quitting smoking but since then I managed to somehow gain about 25 pounds and I'm not even eating anything different than I did when I smoked.  I never really exercised before either and always managed to stay thin.    I thought once I quit smoking I would feel better.    Now I feel tired and over weight.    So like I said I plan to change my diet a bit And exercise.    Hopefully I will be able to loose 15 pounds.

  • My New Years resolution was as follows:

    Stop smoking - Have not tried yet but i am hoping I can keep this one for my health.
    Lose weight- Made and crashed in 2 days. Darn choclate chip cookies  sad. I will keep trying though because my blood pressure has been out of control and my doctor advised me to lose some weight off my middle.
    Find a few casinos to stay loyal to- I have found a couple of casinos that i will keep depositing at. The others have already been taken off of my PC.
    Stop being so passive- I have often let people walk all over me and never say anything about it. I need to find a way to balance assertiveness with a small bit of aggressiveness for some people to get the picture.
    Stop being an enabler - I am not wealthy and those phone calls on pay day will go unanswered.
    Work on my writing- I write poetry and i have written a book. I would love to type some things up and submit them for consideration.
    Patience- Everything does not happen in one day. Keep working at it.
    Be positive- I always think about the what ifs and not the positive aspects of my life. I have to start focusing on what i have and not what i don't have because there are people way less fortunate out there.
    Bingo and Poker- I hear alot about bingo and poker. I would like to take more interest in these games and learn how to play them. Maybe i can learn to play them on line. I might trail behind my mom to the local bingo hall and play  smiley.

    Happy 2015 LCB and @everyone for a 2014 filled with prizes and great company and friends  thumbs_up. I hope this year brings luck and joy to everyone.

  • I feel 2015 has to be my year. I kick started the year by living a healthier lifestyle. I stop drinking soda which was very difficult for me. I'm more a cold caffeine person then a hot one. Try to go one year without catching a pneumonia, three times was enough. Have more patience for my 15 year old son and his attitude. I have to remind myself I once was a teenager too! Try to have more tolerance for people in general and try not to pass judgement so quickly. I would like to be more humble and not so vain I think this would help in my personal life a lot. Lastly, stop hurting my boyfriend and our relationship with my actions and my words.

  • Well my hopes for 2015 are quite a few lol

    In 2014 I decided to embark on a career change, going from being a mechanic of ten years, to being a welder, I sat all my codings and certification before christmas and passed smiley

    I have in 2015 already moved to a larger house, as we had outgrown our old home.

    And lastly, my girlfriend/fiance of 10 years becomes my wife later this year.

    So 2015 is shaping up to be one of the best years yet, and I'll work damn hard to make sure it all happens smiley

  • sad WELL the past  4 yrs have been really  horrible for my kids and  myself  due to an ex husband  who at the time was very abusive to me in many ways ,shaps and form..he was sick sob..anyway i  finally learned that I wasnt the problem ..he was ..hes now in jail for 12 yrs for some  terrifing things he has done to me so im here  luckly alive and well and with my children and  now two grandchildren (who  also has brough me a new life and sense of hope)im now going  to  start  this  year living  with  "NO FEAR "  to many thats not a big thing to me and my family this is a HUGE improvement! IM very greatfull to be sitting here writing this and hoping to win a contest  instead of being 6ft under. so thanks  to you all here at the forum for the chance at enjoyimg y life  even with a lil more fun  everyday from your terriffic forum. sincerly!! <3
  • Last year was very delicate for me and because of that i believe it was delicate for my family and closest people too, I had to think things over and learn very much.. especially about myself. Life is too short just to throw everything away and let happiness pass me by. And i'ts never too late to start over. Very much depends on what i myself do and think. The most important thing is to enjoy every day, even if it would be hard sometimes. Small things mean a lot! 2015 I must remember these words that  i'm writing here and believe in others just like believe in myself too! smiley

  • At the start of 2015 I'll only play poker and take the the odd ND casino offer as I can not control myself on slots. I will not grind it out on slots as that will tempt me more to play, just 0.50 + stake to make it quick. Played mirco stakes on poker and made a profit but not worth the time I've spent so I'll wait a wait till I'll have a better bankroll, play min $1.00 sng + mtt and get HM2 , gg gl

  • Happy new year LCB!!

    The new year for me is about making certain changes to allow me to have a better year all round and put myself in a position so I can build on things in new years resolutions at the end of this year.

    1 of the changes will be regarding gambling. Offline gambling is no longer about a bit of fun and being able to have a nice gambling session with small amounts of cash. Bookmakers have FOBT's that rip the punter off and pub fruit machines do the same.

    Pub fruit machines these days have low payout percentages (as low as 70%) but higher stakes and even £20 will barely last a few minutes on them. It's a waste of cash and people know that pubs and arcades have those machines to take as much money from the customer as quick as they can with minimal entertainment value.

    Online is different as well now. There are fewer places to play for UK members due to UK regulations.

    Although I will still continue to play online, deposit at new casinos that accept UK members and are promoted on LCB, I will be thinking more about the future.

    I'm getting older so it's time to make solid plans this year. I wan't to be more careful with money so I can save up and use it more responsibly.

    I will be focusing on my health too. Healthier eating is a way of getting more energy and feeling less tired. Going to cut out pizza (Not entirely but won't have it as often as I have done) and other junk foods with more exercise thrown into the mix.

    Effectively these steps will be to continue to better myself throughout the year and put me in a better position at the end of 2015 to make other important changes such as giving up smoking.

  • Happy new year LCB!!

    The new year for me is about making certain changes to allow me to have a better year all round and put myself in a position so I can build on things in new years resolutions at the end of this year.

    1 of the changes will be regarding gambling. Offline gambling is no longer about a bit of fun and being able to have a nice gambling session with small amounts of cash. Bookmakers have FOBT's that rip the punter off and pub fruit machines do the same.

    Pub fruit machines these days have low payout percentages (as low as 70%) but higher stakes and even £20 will barely last a few minutes on them. It's a waste of cash and people know that pubs and arcades have those machines to take as much money from the customer as quick as they can with minimal entertainment value.

    Online is different as well now. There are fewer places to play for UK members due to UK regulations.

    Although I will still continue to play online, deposit at new casinos that accept UK members and are promoted on LCB, I will be thinking more about the future.

    I'm getting older so it's time to make solid plans this year. I wan't to be more careful with money so I can save up and use it more responsibly.

    I will be focusing on my health too. Healthier eating is a way of getting more energy and feeling less tired. Going to cut out pizza (Not entirely but won't have it as often as I have done) and other junk foods with more exercise thrown into the mix.

    Effectively these steps will be to continue to better myself throughout the year and put me in a better position at the end of 2015 to make other important changes such as giving up smoking.

    Replace fatty/sugary desserts with Granola and yoghurt it is 4x as filling and much better for you make it healthier by eating low fat yoghurt  and it tastes divine.

    Instead of peanuts/crisps high sugar snacks eat cheese on rich teas with a slice of ham(adult lunchables)

    Pm me if you want details of where best prices are  and more ideas cause I don't advertise companies here wink

  • My aspirations for 2015 are to smoke less (try to quit) and to get my butt to the gym more with my mom so that she can get in better shape because she has knee trouble. I know she really needs me to be the motivating force to MAKE her go to the gym which is always a struggle for the both of us. Wish us luck!!!!!! Hopefully we can get the mental clarity and oomph we need to get into a routine smiley  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

  • I have 3 granddaughters who are my every living breath.  They are my life, my world and my sunshine.

    I aspire to try to be the best grandnana for all of them.  I will continue to be their friend, confidant, teacher and nana.  I will stand beside them right or wrong and help them learn how to right a wrong.  I will continue to encourage them to do the best they can and that the challenges that they will face throughout life is just another learning experience and they will overcome them.

    I will always tell them how proud I am of them and that I love each this much <------------------->.  I will be a shoulder to cry on when their heart gets broken by that special boy and tell them that I cherish every breathing second I have with them.

    Another awesome contest...thx LCB

  • Couldn't keep my promise on stopping smoking.. However it lasted for 10 whole days which is the best i've ever been on 10-15 year smoking, thanks to electronic cigarette.. Will try it again some day just not ready for it yet my nerves are cracking with these casinos lately laugh_out_loud

  • I can only hope 2015 will bring me the success I hope to achieve! After 23 years of being out of school, and never attending a college (because I decided to serve my country and join the Navy), I've decided to work towards my Bachelor's degree in Psychology. I know it will take 3-4 years to complete, but I am determined to be more than just a housewife with no career! I also am doing this to prove to my children, as well as my friends that it is NEVER too late to be who you want to be. I just completed my 1st course, and my final grade was a 99.50%!!! I'm already in my second course, and moving towards my goal. My wish for 2015 is o be an inspiration to others and set an example in order for people to regain that confidence in themselves and push themselves towards their dreams. Oh, and of course, my other wish is to hit a random jackpot just once. I also spread that wish for my fellow LCBers!  wink Believe in yourself and you can accomplish ANYTHING!

  • Hi LCB'ers,

    For 2015, I have many wishes and they probably will not come true or at least be wishes that I will see come true in my remaining years.  I hope my wishes do not offend anyone and they are strictly this old woman’s (opinionated) wishes.  Nevertheless, it is nice to dream and here are my top three wishes! 

    My number one wish would be total reform of the United States Prison System.  Again, we the United States of America and its citizens are supposed to be the freest country on the planet with the most freedoms available to its citizens.  Yet this free country imprisons more of its population than any other country in the world. 

    Currently the U.S. federal and some State governments have calculated into their budgets the methodology that all children who are not reading at grade level by third grade; are allocated a prison cell and therefore included as a cost in their future budgets.  I think there is something seriously and terribly wrong when a prison guard makes a higher wage than an elementary teacher does.  I think our (U.S.) society has lost all its common sense, not to mention what is considered a high priority!  If reform does not come in the very near future, I wonder what will happen when there are more people incarcerated in prisons than there are free people to pay for all those the prisons.  Then what????

    Another wish of mine would be, we see a slowing of the terrorist attacks on uninvolved innocent  people.  The senseless bombings and other violent acts would cease to be used by these radical cowards.  In addition, that some organization would behead the cowards that are behind the beheading murders of the helpless victims that they have kidnapped.  A kind of eye for an eye action, if you will, could and should be used to end this cowardly insane slaughter of human lives.  I am realistic enough to know that there are always going to be groups upset with a government, a group, or a culture, but their way to accomplish change should be peacefully not with violence.

    My third wish and certainly not the least, would be that of the abolishment of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA).  The U.S. President and U.S. Congress (House & Senate) passed this legislation secretly on the last day before Congress adjourned for the 2006 election.  UIGEA, was shirt-tailed in on the Safe Port Act, as Title VIII of that act, and was unrelated.  No one on the Senate-House Conference Committee had seen the final language of the bill before it was passed.  This is a shinning example of United States back-door politics in all its glory.  The land of the free ain’t so free after all!

    Wishing all LCB’ers a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year and Good Luck in this contest!

  • Okey a little late but.. there are my wishes for happy new year!
    In first place i want to recover the love with my girlfriend because for the work the flame of love has been go down but the 31 of december thats one of my wishes and so far i has made a lot of thing to recover this and now we are fine again but we can be better so i will continue my goal to recover this love :3 now i learn to cocking and always wake up her with a lovely breakfast and in the nights i made a good dinner to a romantic night wink and i need to say in this 23 days the things are much better cheesy we are in love again wink so i can say i almost done with my first propuse of new year!
    My second wishes is with my family because when i leave my house i dont know i forgot to visit my parents and now i will need go back and stay with them because for the work i dont have too much time to be with my parents and I miss them like them miss me :3 and finally my last wish is be dad cheesy yeah! right now with my girlfriend we want a child and we are made a lot of thing to try to get it cheesy cheesy im so excited!! and i hope to the things going better and we also can get a beaufitul child cheesy
    Happy new year for all!

  • well this year am not sure about anything last year am still getting over and trying to get some strength back in me mentally, 2014 was an always will be the worst ever in my life my luck in all areas a life was worse than bad and a remember saying to myself these words which a will never say in that way ever again and we have all said this so when you go to say this sentence using these words remember what you read here A SAID "THINGS COULDNT GET ANY WORSE CAUSE THERE SO BAD NOW" a regret saying it how wrong could a have been ,the following week my father tells me he has a rare form of skin cancer and has only months weeks really. BANG BANG AHHHH  a nurse him until his last breath
    and a miss that man more than a could ever imagine. SO  this year a wont to be happy and my littel maw to be happy and for each an every living soul on this planet to have a time when they know what happy is and a will always be greetfull for what a have cause what you never have had you can never miss

  • Great replies so far but hope there are a lot more members who participate. There is fantastic prices up for grabs so c'mon participate!

  • Last year on Sept 24th my daughter passed at the age of 41, I have not been able to get over the grief, and I pray this some time this year i will be get to the point that i can except what has happened and be able to live a full day without  crying. I have three other children and nine grand kids  and I need to deal with this to be there for them in their lives, I need God's grace to help me heal!

  • Some very inspirational and touching stories, thanks everyone for sharing them so far. Keep posting. 

  • 2015 Seems to be off to a great start. I am very pleased with all of the new technology becoming available. Cant wait to get a mini projector for an affordable price or maybe a hover-board if I hit the jackpot on a slot! Otherwise I am hoping to buy my first house this year, Fix my old Datsun B210 in my off time, and do lots of fishing and hiking with my dog Haas. cool

  • My Dream on upcoming year has won more in casino than last year.  cool moneyI love this money what I can get just for the clicking muse button. I love that LCB is growing up with active members because  this chance to get money by writing comments is awesome. But if we talk about personal life.Then this year I want a buy new car AUDI A3. It has been my dream for a long time and I will make it in this year.

  • Last year on Sept 24th my daughter passed at the age of 41, I have not been able to get over the grief, and I pray this some time this year i will be get to the point that i can except what has happened and be able to live a full day without  crying. I have three other children and nine grand kids  and I need to deal with this to be there for them in their lives, I need God's grace to help me heal!

    I am so very sorry to hear that. I have missed you on the forum and although you will never get over such a great loss you will learn how to cope as you find strength you never thought you had.
  • Today, January 25 my birthday 58 again. Yeah, time flies past you if you do not use it properly. Over the past long years of my life I have had a lot of misery and hardship in many areas. Too many to mention all here now and if I was going to tell you, I'm probably in the next new year not finished. Fact is, by all my health has deteriorated. I have muscular dystrophy type 2. Find what that means. Then you know what that is. Even the loving gentle touch of my wife hurts. So that sucks. Hopefully the cervical operation goes through and that will succeed. That could reduce the pain. Now I have to do it with heavy medications that just make me sicker. I want my wife so happy in my arms to take her embrace. They would like again to lie close to me. Because of my illness seems to have created a distance between us which of course is not true. Therefore, I hope so, that this year will be better for her, our dear daughter and myself.  :'(

  • admin note

    content removed and the entry disqualified - reason : use of google translate
  • So far I have done well with my resolutions.

    1) Cut out RTG completely out of my life.  Too much variance to be considered fun software anymore.  Done and done.  Last time I played at an RTG casino was back in November.  I've stuck with Bit Coin casinos, which for sure seem to cause me less stress.

    2) Stop eating out so much and start cooking more at home - So far this resolution has been a bit harder to keep.  As like during my weekends and beginning of the week.  I have the time and energy to cook.  It's when I get near the end of my work week.  I start feeling lazy.  I really need to start working on this.

    3) Since my dad has recently been diagnosed with heart issues.  This ties in my eating habbits.  I also need to watch what I eat.  I'm only 30 now, but am so not looking forward to my 50s.

    4) Finally move closer to work, this may be a long term goal.  Yet the 90 minute drive every day drives me batty.

    Those are some of my goals for the year

  • 1. spend more time with God 2. renew my marriage vows 3. spend quality time with family, with more care and love 4. make up with my sibling 5. to be a better friend 6. Quit being selfish and help other more 7. Find the time to give thanks just for living the day.

  • hipphipphooray... smile people it is anew year!! I want start by saying how blessed ifeel to have a new year of my life. I have so many things I would like to say that I would love to this year. but im just gonna keep it simple. So basically im gonna try and be more thankful and aware of all my blessings. Sometimes when lifes happening we forget about the little thing,That truly are priceless. Im also gonna work harder at living by the golden TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANNA BE TREATED.and also PAYING IT FORWARD!!! I believe if I try a little harder at this the world around will my world may be just a lil brighter, if mthen world around me is a lil brighter then hopefully the world around the next person will be brighter too. wink cheesy grin SMILE LOVE UR LIFE!!!!!

  • First I wish happy new year people and every single wish which you write here in this contest to became true smiley

    First I will continue to participate in every LCB contest and not only in contest but in every part of forum, here I found some very very interesting peoples. But now I will talk about making changes in personal life, it is the most impartant smiley

    I am already started to make changes. I am tired to wish something to change and never do anything. So I must tell you that I am from 10Th January gym member. Yes that is right, I can't believe too cheesy I will go out more often and most important I will try to travel. There is a lot of country which are beautiful and I only saw them on TV. And to be honest I am most attracted by Las Vegas baby cheesy gambler in soul... I am not attracted by natural beauty or historical monuments... only casinos cheesy And if I don't make it and go to Las Vegas this will be only another wasted year of my life cheesy

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