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    CLOCKWORK 24/7 THERE SO HONEST THAT THERE WHITER THAN WHITE INFACT THERE PERSIL WHITE,,, EXAMPLE LADS AN ME HAVING FEW BEERS AND SMOKEAGE WE HAVE A SMILL KITTY AT CASINO SITE WHICH A WONT NAME, OUR LUCK RUNS OUT AND ONLY DEPOSIT METHOD IS MY FRIENDS CARD,,,,,,,,,,,,, WE DEPOSIT 30 AND AGAIN ONLY THIS TIME  THERE CASHIER OFERS OPTION OF 3 FAST DEPOSITS WHICH MEANS NO VISA SECURITY NOR DID THERE CASHIER WONT NAME ON CARD,,,,,,, LONG AN SHORTS WE ARE DOWN £400/500 between 6 of us,,,,,, week later am getting pissed of with amason quern slot on same site a count on close of 1000 free spins on slot at there site nowt nanty a mean lucky % of below 10,, a complain and fobbed of,,, Upoun checking tere documents of  slots check making sure tere working paying out correctly and fair ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,embarrassed  there 2 month out of date should have been checked early september 2017 latest we was late november,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, note a still have not had reason why,,,, but there big and well respected  stand up guysangel    mmmmmmmmmmm well a got lucky made withdrawl .... denied why... as they demanded proof on card  ,,,,, all of a sudden mmm now a thought was weired when depositing money giving them cash  THAT THEY WERE NOT EVEN FOXING BOTHERED BOUT WHAT NAME AN SEX WAS ON IT AND BLUNTLY PUT THEY NEVER GAVE F'''''@@@..??? WHOS WHOMES ANYBODYS card it was then,,, I got on to chat told them was my friends there having a laugh now they wont a pictuer of the person standing with the card right up there face copy card and statmentt and letter my account suspende until this verifide,,,, my my concern,,,, aye nescafe concern INSTANT ALL OF SUDDEN ,,,,,,MY OPINION SPITEFULLY 2MONTHS OUT A DATE NOW A WONT MONEY OUT,,,,  MY friends AND I TO SIT LOOK AND FEEL TREATED LIKE CRIMINALS,,,, POT KETTLE WHOM TOOK CASH FROM IN TRUTH SOMEBODYS CARD THRY DONT KNOW NAME OF AND INFACT WHO STILL HAS IT  ............................. thee site which a wont name but  a will soon if they refuse to pay me   AN BIG PLAYERS THEY ARE RESPECTED MASSIVE a think its a total cheek and the laws of how casinos are allowed to basically police judge an jury there industry is disgusting THERE MULITY BILLION £$ INDUSTRY disgusting british commission totaly an utterly waste space after three attempts to say my bit am still waiting 18 month on and think the smoke signal they sent must a blown away and after 8 year of on line gaming its now the normal to blame all and everying on the same thing you us the player CLEAR YOUR CACHE IN FACT WHEN HIS MRS TELLS HIM THAT WAS SHIT NEVER HAD AN ORGAN GRINDER,,, PROBELY TELLS HER TO CLEAR HER CACHE well a been bare faced lied to for bonus money given exact time a bonus credited only to go through my account painstakingly to find no bonus at the time said AND NOR WAS I EVEN ON THERE SITE ,,,, LAW...... LAW ........ LAW........ for 1 license fee for uk casino nothing more than WESTMINSTERS CUT AND licence for sites to print dollar lets be honest HOW MANY COMPLAINTS YOU MADE AND THE CASINO ,,,, ADMITTS SORRY IT WAS OUR FAULT OUR SITE CRASHED,,, INTERNAL SERVER ERROR . well 1 TIME only for me and !0!% praise FOR HONESTY FAIRNESS PROFESIONAL CONDUCT TOTALY UTTERLY SPORTMAN NETBET ON WINNING STREAK  £2/4 SPINS SLOT CRASH NO MONEY OR SPIN GIVING 0N 8 OCCASSIONS    100% refunded no shit or lies,,,,,, WELL BECOMING ALL TO COMMON AND BRAZINGLY DONE WHER ITS A CAUSE OF FOCK THE PLAYER REALLY BOILS DOWN TO THEFT ROBBING WHEN LIES ARE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF GAIN ,,,,TIME TO TIGHTEN UP THE POLICING OF CASINO SITES


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