When my daughter was about 4, i lived in this small one bedroom, worked 6 days a week, and on my day off i was asked to babysit these 3 other children..
Ahhh, i thought what a day for me.. I'd rather be gambling (just kidding)
Anyways of course i did accept to babysit for the couple.. well these kids are not
the sit down watch TV type kids, they wanna run around rumbumxiously..
So i thought of a plan, these children were that right age you can get them to beleive anything, they were going to be there til the late night so they all had little sleeping bags, i told them.. if they rolled up their sleeping bags making it like a nest and sit on it
don't move, don't make a sound, you can lay an egg! They said.. what? really? i said yes, try it... so all 4 kids made nests, and by golly they sat there so quiet, didn't move
and watched a show called "Little bear".. on the commercials i said.. okay check your nests, they'd all go.. "Nope not yet no egg here, you got one, naaah, let's keep trying"
As they were watching the show, i sneaked to the fridge and pulled out an egg, and waited for the perfect time to slip the egg under my daughter, right after i said.. "okay check your nests everyone!" They all check, my eye on my daughter.. her eyes were like this

"I LAID AN EGG!!!!".. just at that moment her cousin "J" walked in the apartment him being around maybe 11 years old, he's looking at my daughter like

and yelled outside... "HEY EVERYONE COME HERE MY COUSINS LAYIN' EGGS".. tons of kids cam running, all gathered at my door, and they were just talkin about the egg and how she did it, admiring the egg my daughter laid..

I was in tears with laughter, i never worked so hard in my life trying to keep my composure, and not break down in hysterics.. kids are wonderful