To whom it may concern I’m am active player on your Sunrise Slots online casino! I have made a legit withdrawal in amount of $2500.00 that was approved back in January 24th 2025. It’s been close to three months and I am still waiting for my payment to be posted to my account. I have emailed customer support more times than you can imagine in regards to this as I was told once the withdrawal was approved it will be 7 to 10 days before it reaches my account. Every time I email them, I get a reply back with the same story that your payment team is an outside third-party vendor, who apparently is behind in payments as they are working as fast as they can get payments to the players. I have asked several times that my withdrawal be expedited by agents through live chat and I will allow some time to pass in hopes to receive an email, but I get nothing from nobody. I would greatly appreciate if you could email me personally rather than using this app as I’m not familiar with it. I just had to join in order to get a message to you in regards to my payment like I said it’s been almost 3 months which I find unacceptable and I’m very discouraged with the agents who get back to me in email with the same story regarding this third-party vendor! Please I hope to hear from you in my email I’m tired of being left hanging as I feel I’m getting nowhere! My username is kcasper214, my dob is 10/7/1965 and my funds are to be wired to Bank of America account! Sincerely Kathleen Casper PS! I’m attaching an email reply with the information that is being given to me
Montant contesté: 2500$
Casino: Sunrise slots
Cas #: 3038