Lipstick wrote:
2Late4Me wrote:
Thank you again lipstick! For participants that entered more than one father figure, is there any way we can know which entry actually won. My Father and Stepfather really wanted me to let them know, however, I am not sure if I will tell them. It could possible cause some animosity. Thank you.
Congratulations to all winners and everyone that participated. I really did like this one, it really allowed me to not focus on my Mom's demise as much. But very tearful.
Oh no you can't do that to me! But since you asked - it's a tie..........wink!
Lipstick you did a wonderful job!
! And I agree with you. You have no idea how hard it was to create the entries. All three are so special to me. I did the pros and cons> Which were, and i don't mean to sound predjudice, but my grandfather had all pros that stays in the front of my memory, but he passed away and left me.
. My dad's con was him barely being there, except for his visits once or twice a year which was always brief. And I didnt know my mom until she took me forcefully from my Grandfather and forced me to call her 6 years. I didnt know who my mom was,and beleive it or not, i really still don't know because there are some serious secrets being held. So, I have always never accepted that my dad sending me money and delegateing everyone to give me anything i wanted, was not good enough. So, I feel he could could have done better.Being in the Air Force as a Chief Master Seargent is not acceptable. And now he is so attentative, but it was like hard trying to accept the love he gives me now. Although I will be moving to Las Vegas to be with him. I cried many of times and to this day as an adult.
Now on the other hand, my stepfather did the best he could do for 16 years,, but back then, I mourned so much for my dad, i was forced to start calling him dad. The pros and cons are equal in his position, because he was always forced to accept me and vice versus. My dad always made it difficult. he wanted to adopt me and i rejected. But he provided that figure for 16 years. Finally issues started arissing and my dadfrandfater came and took me away from them.
As a wiser and life knowdgeble adult, i still feel I owe him some appreciation, even if it was just my doing. So since all i remember is pros with my grandfather he is #1. And sometimes it's not biological that counts, but i dearly love him, so he will be #2 neck to neck with my with m, stepfather #3 with leaving a guilty feeling in my heart. soi hope they do not ask me. I do not practce lying, but i can not tell them it was a tie unless i say a 3 way tie.
Lipstick and LCB Members i know I write to much, but you have know idea how much I talk , too!
But this contest was like therapy. Can't wait for the next one.
Thank you for reading

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